101 Mio searches so far

Reverse Lookup Daniel Neumann

Email-Inbox Verification

Based on our checks and data we can determine the likelihood of the email being a valid and active email inbox.

Email Inbox Status Inactive

We estimate that this email is inactive or invalid.

Naming Pattern Found

We detected the naming pattern " Firstname.Lastname ".

Email Address Format Valid

This email has a valid format without mail typing errors.

Email Address Type Personal

Estimation of the email type based on our data.

Last Email Check: 06/24/2024 | Last modification: 06/24/2024

Email-Host Validation

In our Validation process we check technical attributes for the Host. Additionally, we check our historical Data and calculate score.


[email protected] is valid

For this email, the delivery rate is below 50%, based on our validators. We recommend delete this email from your mailing-list.

Domain Status Registered

This domain is registered and active

Email Address Format Valid

This email has a valid format without mail typing errors.

Email-Server Status MX found

The MX records for this email are valid and active for this domain

Website Status Invalid

The website is not reachable or send Error-Codes.

Domain Parked? Is Parked

The Domain is parked and not active. The likelihood of a spam email is high.

Email-Host Type Not detected

The email host type was not detected.

SSL Status Valid

The encrypted connection to the website is valid and active.

Content Relations

Parked Domain

lhw.com Email-Tech

We analyze the technologies used in email setup as an additional verification to determine if the email originates from a legitimate inbox.

microsoft365 is used by lhw.com


spf-protection is used by lhw.com


Social Networks (0/8)

In our public search we check 8 social networks for the given email address. In our Premium we check 30+ social networks.


Not assigned to a Facebook profile.


Not assigned to a 30 Boxes profile.


Not assigned to a Gravatar profile.


Not assigned to a Flickr profile.


Not assigned to a Foursquare profile.


Not assigned to a Vimeo profile.


Not assigned to a Rapleaf profile.


Not assigned to a Fullcontact profile.